About us
As we reflect on the past years, we are reminded how things used to be and this we appreciate. Much has changed. However, education remains the vehicle of transformation for the masses.
We face this new era with its challenges as issues such as crime and violence coupled with parents' abdication of their roles and responsibilities, economic hardship, lowering moral standards, The Coronavirus (COVID-19) and an education system which lacks the resources to effect the requisite changes.
Despite the constraints, the on us is onus as educators and by extension "Nation Builders" to ignite in our students at the Early Childhood level, an enthusiasm for excellence. This task is indeed an arduous one but can be achieved through team, adequate preparation, positive work ethic and reliance on God's guidance. our Stakeholders ought to play pivotal roles in ensuring the continuity of this excellence.
We appreciate the support of the parents and business community of Hayes and its environs, the academic, ancillary and the Board of Management of this institution.
It is with immense pride and great pleasure that I welcome you to Annunciation ECI website and to give you, as concisely as I can, some information about our school as the Board chairman.
I am very proud of our school the Annunciation Early Childhood Institution with its Motto" Learning Today for a Better Tomorrow" which focuses on improving our children's learning and development. We also aim to create a nurturing and encouraging environment where all children are developed socially, emotionally, physically, intellectually and spiritually being able to express themselves and learn to the best of their abilities.
Our school's objective is to continue being recognized as a torch bearer of leading early childhood education methods, and an institution that has students defining a future not only for them but for the world as well. We have and will continually strive for brighter and more secure prospects for our children. Albert Einstein stated that "Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think".
I thank you for trusting Annunciation ECI to nurture your child and wish to assure you that we will do our best to meet the dreams of your child. Our vision is clear and is geared to: hold every child's physical and mental well-being as a priority, provide the very best early childhood education for all students. We recognize and celebrate the diversity of all students of which we aligned to the curriculum, as well as the many and varied extra curricula activities and experiences we offer.
I am delighted that you have consider Annunciation ECI for your child's future, an investment in education which will pay dividends throughout life. From the moment your child enters the school at two years old, working together is of paramount interest to, foster modern learning and a commitment to incorporating technology where necessary as the world around us changes.
We are fortunate at Annunciation Early Childhood Institution to have a long-serving, talented and dedicated teaching and support team led by our Principal. Our school community has a strong involvement in our school which is evident in the efforts of our PTA and parent cooperation through class trips, the School Fund raisers, and the School related activities, there are many exciting changes in the future and we welcome you to come on board.
Journeying with us will provide your child with wonderful experiences whilst preparing them for the challenges when the transition is made to the next level of their education.
Education is the passport to the future for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today
Thank you, stay blessed.